What is this project?
With this project—the National Study of Arts Education—we want to describe the current status of arts education and arts educators in the United States and are aiming to build the most comprehensive view of arts education to date.
Why are we doing this? The short answer: data is important, especially in today’s schools. If we can answer questions such as “Who has access to arts education in the US?” and “How comprehensive are arts programs in the US?”, we can give stakeholders, school boards, and principals better information to make decisions affecting the arts in schools.
why should I participate?
Your perspectives and experiences will inform our understanding of your subject and the arts generally. The information you provide will play a crucial role in painting an accurate and comprehensive picture of arts education in the United States.
If you wish to participate in our research, please scan the QR code or click the link you received, which will send you to an online survey. As a token of our appreciation, survey respondents will receive a free $5 gift card.
We started with a stratified random sample of American elementary, middle, and high schools and then invited at least one visual art, music, theatre, or dance teacher from the randomly selected schools to participate. This process helps us make sure we get a good picture of arts education across the entire nation. That’s why your participation is so important! If we’ve mistakenly identified you as an arts educator, please let us know by e-mailing us at nsae@umd.edu.
Contact us! Email the study team at nsae@umd.edu.
who are You?
We are graduate student and faculty researchers in the Music and Arts Education Data Lab (MADLab), who seek to answer questions about important issues in music and arts education. We examine issues of access, equity, representation, demography, and inclusion in music and arts education at the K-12 and postsecondary levels. We are also interested in the social and academic consequents of arts education for K-12 arts students and the collegiate preparation of music and arts educators.
We use data to understand arts students, arts teachers, and arts education. And we want you be a part of this important research!
Click here for more information on who we are.
Dr. Kenneth Elpus,
Principal Investigator
Dr. Elpus is professor of music education and associate director for faculty affairs and graduate studies at the University of Maryland School of Music and one of the directors of the Music and Arts Education Data Lab.
Dr. Stephanie Prichard, Co-Investigator
Dr. Prichard is associate professor of music education at the University of Maryland, where she teaches courses in instrumental music education and serves as co-advisor for the collegiate NAfME chapter. She is also one of the directors of the Music and Arts Education Data Lab.